Introduction to OpenRepGrid at the University of Barcelona


openrepgrid-logoFrom 15.09. to 19.09.2014 I will give an introduction to the OpenRepGrid project at the University of Barcelona. OpenRepGrid is a collection of software tools that centers around the analysis of repertory grid data I started to implement several years ago. The software is open source and can be used to tackle various research questions. In the course I will give a short introduction into the R software and the OpenRepGrid R package (Heckmann, 2014). If you are interested to join the course, just drop by. You can find the course website including infos and material here.

At the University of Barcelona the research group around Prof. Guillem Feixas is located who are very active in the field of grid research, especially on the topic of implicative cognitive dilemmas.


Heckmann, M. (2014). OpenRepGrid: An R package for the analysis of repertory grids. ZENODO. doi:10.5281/zenodo.8492

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